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Image by Moosa Haleem

~ The Bible, Book of Matthew, chapter 13, verses 45 & 46

“Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!"

Jesus told the story of this pearl of great value to a large crowd that gathered by a lake. He shared many short stories, one after another, and these parables required people to ask questions in order to gain a deeper understanding.


I love how Jesus wants us to ask questions.


A merchant is on the lookout for choice pearls. The merchant is an expert, and knows how to estimate the value of these pearls. He already has a collection that illustrates his expertise. 


Then, one day, the merchant makes the best discovery ever. This is the defining moment of his career: He has found a pearl of great value!


Maybe he had heard rumors about this pearl. Maybe he thought it was a myth. But now it is right in front of him and he can see that it is truly worth everything!


Without hesitation, he sells all of his other pearls. In fact, he sells everything he owns in order to purchase this most precious pearl.  


We know what it's like to spend time in a store, at a fleamarket, or online looking for something. When we are surprised by finding something wonderful – maybe something we didn't even know we wanted – our heartbeat quickens! Our breath catches in our throat! We are filled with longing, and we don't want to leave without it! 


With some purchases, that object is added to our collection of other objects. We might show it off a bit. Over time, we may lose interest in it, or its value to us decreases, and it might even be donated or sold at a garage sale someday. That object was not worth everything, and we certainly wouldn't have sold everything to have it.


If we are going to give up everything for something, then that something needs to be worth it and have a value that will not diminish.


What might this parable be telling us about the Kingdom of God? About Jesus? About ourselves?


Curious? Me, too, fellow Pearlseeker! 


The intention behind the Pearlseeker website and eCourses is to encourage our growth in joy, hope, faith, wisdom and love. It is important for us to develop skills to think about and engage with scripture and in life so that our faith is personal and relevant while helping us grow in compassion and generosity.

What is Soultending
This is a photograph of a woman cupping a mound of rich earth, out of which is growing a young green plant.

Soultending is a term I use because I love how the word reminds me of a gardener tending a plant, making sure that it has the water, nutrients, soil, and sunshine required for health and life. Every soul is worthy of that kind of loving attention and care.


I look forward to our journey together.


~ Carole

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