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Image by Diego PH

The Pearlseeker's Guide to Soultending

Seeking Renewal

A Pearlseeker's Guide to Soultending: Seeking Renewal

Image by Milada Vigerova

What if... You created space for rest and renewal in your life?


What if...You acknowledged that your soul's well-being is important too?


What if... You learned what nourishes your soul and discovered more of God's incredible love for you?  


What if... You invested in your spiritual growth and health? 

This eCourse registration is now open!

Image by Ethan Dow

Your worth is far greater

than what you can produce, give or be.

It is time to pay attention to the ebb and flow

which is there to remind you:

Do you rush from one thing to the next, making sure that your loved ones have what they need or want?


Do you tend to hush that whisper inside of you that says,


"What about me? Do I matter, too?"

Image by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙

This is a four-week, self-paced e-course

with access to downloads for a full year.

This eCourse registration is now open!

Plus a bonus: 

The Pearlseeker Retreat Guide will help you plan

a weekend retreat of soulful solitude

This course is intended to help you:


Create space to slow down and rest.


Acknowledge your needs and desires.


Identify what your soul needs to flourish.


Lean into God's incredible love for you.


This is an image of pink, green and peach sea anemones in an aquarium.
This is an image of a white sand dune.

This course is not intended to:

be a substitute for consultation with a medical professional or therapist.

be a substitute for consultation with professional pastoral staff.

Dear Fellow Pearlseeker,

This is an image of a woman in her forties with a happy smile as she looks up at a flowering tree. She is wearing a plaid cap and a puffy purple jacket.



There have been times when life has felt like an unending stream of responsibilities and tasks – some enjoyable and important, some tedious and draining. Like others, I experience highs and lows, but I'm good at paying attention and sharing what I learn along the way.


What I've learned from and about God and Jesus over the last 20+ years since high school has been life-giving, encouraging, and sustaining.


I look forward to sharing these lessons, insights and reflections with you. My hope is that engaging in this course will be like receiving love letters for the soul, creating a greater awareness of the incomparable love of God for you and helping you step away for refreshment when you need it. 

In Joy,


Image by frank mckenna

Here is what you will receive:

Weekly Course Content

Four weeks of lessons focusing on the story of Jairus' daughter

and the woman in Mark 5:21-42,

with themes of renewal and healing.

All content is shared via a private webpage. There are weekly printables (b&w) of reflection questions. All lessons are available at the same time so that you may engage at your own pace. 

This 7-page guide provides suggestions for rest and restoration, plus tools to prepare for a weekend solo retreat and how to tailor it especially for you. 

Image by Silas Baisch

This eCourse registration is now open!

More offerings here

More about Carole:

Carole graduated with a B.A. in Psychology from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).


She is an academic research administrator, event planner, web designer, graphic artist, and grantmaker.  


Carole is a member of the Council on Foundations, Southern California Grantmakers, and the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.  


Carole and her husband-pastor planted a church in Southern California in 2018 and have been trained as leaders and prayer ministers within InterVarsity Christian Fellowship as well as Vineyard, U.S.A. 

Image by Giorgio Trovato


Finding treasure takes time.

It is worth the search

and the journey

into the deep.

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