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Colorful Corals

The Pearlseeker's Guide to Soultending

Self-paced online courses 



designed to refresh and care for your soul

A space for you to rest

and remember that you are loved

A time to value what is important

finding what might be getting lost beneath the surface of your life


Your soul is worthy of your time.

Pearlseeker courses include:


~ Pastoral lessons from a Biblical perspective

~ Thoughtful questions to encourage rest, contemplation and prayer

~ Suggestions and tools to enrich everyday life and relationships

Image by Javardh

Honoring your time.

Honoring you.

Each 4-week self-paced course includes

a bonus gift for you:

Additional content to help you plan

a weekend retreat of soulful solitude

Image by Shifaaz shamoon

"Losing our souls means losing touch with our center, our true call in life, our mission, our spiritual task. Losing our soul means becoming so distracted by and preoccupied with all that is happening around us that we end up fragmented, confused, and erratic..."


Henri Nouwen

Current Offerings

A clear drop of water rests on the edge of a leaf.

A Pearlseeker's Guide to Seeking Renewal

eCourse now open 

Pricing and details about the course available here

A Pearlseeker's Guide to Seeking Wisdom

eCourse open June 2024

Pricing and details about the course available here

Retreat Guide Now Available Separately

The Pearlseeker's Retreat Guide

Seven pages of suggestions/tools for rest and renewal. Includes sample weekend retreat outline, what to pack, and tips to fill your retreat with comfort, ease, and beauty.

Pricing here 

Please note: This guide is included in "Seeking Renewal" and "Seeking Wisdom" courses.

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Image by Sean Oulashin

More free offerings here

Thanks for visiting! Here is a free gift for you:

The Pearlseeker's Guide to Cultivating Wonder

Download the file here

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